NTH Studio Fight ئاپەکان

Narutimate Ninja Heroes War 4
NTH Studio Fight
In each 3-D fighting games of the series, theplayer controls one of several characters directly based onNarutimate Ninja Heroes War characters. The simple goal is to fightthe opposing character and to win by reducing their health to zero.There are special techniques and jutsus that can be used. Somecharacters feature the ability to activate special mode byinflicting the special techniques which enhances their status andgives them new abilities. It also features several items, likeshuriken and kunai.The game contains an original storyline involving moving up ahaunted castle through the eyes and for a certain amount of floors,Gaara, called the Mugen Castle in the sky and has a hundred floors.Each floor has several "unstable" rooms where the users placerandomly generated scrolls to determine the type of action thatwill take place in the room.There is a limit, however, on the number of times it can be used.In regards to a counterattack, if an opponent is about to land anattack on the player, rendering them helpless and sealing theirsupport.[Key Features:]- Nice-looking graphics 3-D.- A lot of challenges and stages.- Easy and Simple to play.- Cool skill design and effect.- Classic sound created excitement for players.
Goku Blue Super Saiyan 4
NTH Studio Fight
In each 3-D fighting games of the series, theplayer controls one of several characters directly based on GokuBlue Super Saiyan characters. The special moves are mainly takenfrom individual characters own special moves from the show;including, but not limited to, Vegeta's Galick Gun and Frieza'sDeath Beam. Although these mechanics have stuck with the series,other ideas such as the "Hyper Mode" the ability to move atincredible speeds, fly freely, and "Beam Struggles" between twocharacter's beam attacks. were later replaced in favour of othertechniques.Features include a tournament stage, versus mode, and an item shop.The story mode in the game is known as Goku World, and plays like aboard game as the players assembles a team of Z-fighters tochallenge the various enemies in the series starting from theSaiyan Saga up to the final Kid Buu Saga, has a total of 31playable characters including fusions of different fighters, andMajin Buu's various forms. The Japanese version of the addedseveral new costumes. Some of the added costumes were added to theNorth American release of version.Another mode is the Arcade mode, a single-player mode that lets youbrawl against the CPU in order to fight and gain the Dragon Balls.Next is the Z trial mode, which consists of two different types ofplay: survival, where you fight against CPU-controlled opponentsfor as long as you can, and time attack, where you see how fast youcan make it through a predetermined set of opponents.Finally, there’s the Profile Card mode in which the players willhave their in-game character profile cards that lists their nameand power level. The player can design their own card and customizethem with the items from the games item store.[Features:]- Nice-looking graphics 3-D.- A lot of challenges and stages.- Easy controls on phones and tablets.- Classic sounds create excitement of playing.
Ninja Storm Ultimate Warrior 3
NTH Studio Fight
In each 3-D fighting games of the series,theplayer controls one of several characters directly based onNinjaStorm Ultimate Warrior characters. The game contains anoriginalstoryline involving moving up a haunted castle through theeyes ofNarutimate and for a certain amount of floors, Gaara, calledtheMugen Castle in the sky and has a hundred floors.This release is the full non-modified version of UltimateNinjaHeroes Storm, and contains the three characters that wereremoved,which includes The Third Hokage, Shizune and Kabuto. Bothremovedstages and the game's Story Mode are now present aswell.Additionally, movesets have been updated. Gamers can also selectthecharacters to use Japanese or English voices.Jiraiya can use Rasengan, Kakashi can use Lightning CutterandSasuke can use Chidori without the use of a secrettechnique.It involves viewing through the eyes of Jiraiya who isaccompaniedby Tsunade, Shizune, and Kakashi (temporarily) and goingdown MugenCastle 30 floors (from the stairs leading below that werehidden inthe first floor by a False Surroundings Technique) to thecauldronwhere the vitality is stored. Previously, Jiraiya couldn'tmake italone due to a seal that required at least four ninjatorelease.
Vegeta War: Fusion Xenoverse 3
NTH Studio Fight
In each 3-D fighting games of the series,thesimple goal is to fight the opposing ninjas and to win byreducingtheir health to zero. There are special techniques andjutsus thatcan be used. Some characters feature the ability toactivatespecial mode by inflicting the special techniques whichenhancestheir status and gives them new abilities.[Features:]- Amazing animations- Easy and Simple to play- Cool skill design and effect- Flexible moving and game play- A lot of challenges and stagesThe games are quite different from the often-comparedbudokaiseries, they use a behind-the-back third-person cameraperspective.Also different from the xenoverse series, each form istreated asits own character, with varying stats, movesets andfightingstyles.Features include a tournament stage, versus mode, and an itemshop.The story mode in the game is known as Goku World, and playslike aboard game as the players assembles a team of Z-fighterstochallenge the various enemies in the series starting fromtheSaiyan Saga up to the final Kid Buu Saga, has a total of31playable characters including fusions of different fighters,andMajin Buu's various forms. The Japanese version of theaddedseveral new costumes. Some of the added costumes were added totheNorth American release of version.[Game modes:]- Training Mode which lets the player test out combos or justsimplylearn the controls of the games.- Network Battle Mode which uses connectivity to the networktomatch you against other people online.- Arcade in which you choose a character and battle 10otheropponents in your search for the Balls.- Time Attack where you will be challenged to beat certainenemiesas fast as possible.- Survival where you pick a character and keep fightingenemiesuntil you lose a fight.- Profile Card where you can customize your special ID card showninNetwork Battle Mode.[Overall:]- The small roster might seem like a drag for some and thefightingmight sometimes become too difficult for those who are notused toplaying the games but, just like with everything, practicemakesperfect. If you want to beat it you'll just have tobecomebetter.- Certain button combinations unleash Ki attacks while theplayerscan choose to only use Melee attacks or launch small Kiblasts ifthey so desire.The special moves are mainly taken from individual charactersownspecial moves from the show, including, but not limited to,Goku'sKamehameha, Vegeta's Galick Gun and Frieza's DeathBeam.